
2024-01-20 14:47:07

supply  [sə'plaɪ]
n. [C] 供应;供给 ‖v. 供应;供给
We supplied them with money and clothes.我们供给他们金钱和衣服。[ supply sb. with sth.把……供应给……]
The army supplies two pairs of boot.to each soldier.部队给每个士兵发两双靴子。[ supply sth. to sb.向……提供……〕
The school supplies books for the children.学校为儿童提供图书。[supply sth. for sb.为……提
短语:1.supply sth to sb / supply sb with sth 供给某人所需的某物

support  [sə'pɔːt]
Your support has meant a lot to me during this difficult time.在这困难时期,你的支持给了我很大的帮助。
His family supported him in his decision.他的家人支持他的决定。

suppose  [sə'pəʊz]
vt. 假定;认为;猜想 
You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.你应该尽快将这件事报告警方。[ be supposed to do sth.应该做某事]
近义词辨析:suppose / think 
   suppose 指“猜想”,认定,含有不确切之意,它近似于think,但是比think少根据。

sure  [ʃʊər]
adj.  肯定的,确信的 ‖ adv.  确信,肯定  
He is sure to be back soon.他不久一定会回来。[ be sure to do sth一定做某事]
I'm sure(that) I can run much faster than he.我相信我能比他跑得快得多。[I'm sure + that从句我确信……」
I think you are not quite sure about it.我认为,你们对这一点并不能完全肯定。[be sure abou:确信……〕
短语:1..be sure to do sth 一定要做....
2..be sure about/of sth
        be sure that 对.....  很确信
   3.for sure 无疑
    e.g. I think he lives there but I couldn’t say for sure. 
   4.Make sure of sth/that 把某事物弄清楚 

When I was living alone in Santa Rosa, California, and running a business division for Intuit, my two cats Wiley and Wilbur were my family. We took care of one another, entertained one another,____21____annoyed one another, and____22____one another after all. Then, at only ten years old, Wilbur____23____cancer.
Letting go of Wilbur was painful, and I was when the time came to say____24____.Wiley, my other cat, was____25____too. He and Wilbur were best friends. He had always been happy and well-adjusted,____26____he seemed lost after Wilbur’s passing. Wiley and I grieved and healed together.
When people adopt a homeless pet, it’s clear that they are saving the animal from homelessness,____27____animal companionship to their lives. They’re obviously____28____a far better life for the animal. Time after time, people who adopt homeless pets find their own lives being____29____too.
Thai’s just one of the_____30_____of adopting a shelter dog. And that’s_____31_____I created Mutual Rescue, an animal-welfare initiative aimed at highlighting this special bond_____32_____more homeless animals’ lives can be   _____33_____. I also wrote a book about the_____34_____animals have on our lives: Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You, Too. This book includes some of the beautiful, life-changing stories I’ve ____35____.
21. A. always B. occasionally C. permanently D. usually
22. A. hated B. complained C. adored D. disgusted
23. A. suffered from B. escaped from C. recovered from D. got from
24. A. hello B. regret C. sorry D. goodbye
25. A. warmhearted B. thrilled C. scared D. heartbroken
26. A. so B. or C. hut D. thus
27. A. adding B. applying C. adapting D. adjusting
28. A. equipping B. providing C. contributing D. donating
29. A. disturbed B. disordered C. saved D. challenged
30. A. troubles B. benefits C. faults D. missions
31. A. when B. how C. why D. where
32. A. so that B. in case C. in that D. for fear that
33. A. exchanged B. transformed C. interrupted D. transferred
34. A. disadvantage B. mercy C. inspiration D. impact
35. A. encountered B. designed C. invented D. facilitated





